Vocabulary and Listening: Adjectives and adverbs - Unit 4: In the picture - SBT Tiếng Anh 7 Friends Plus

1.Write the adjectives and adverbs.2.Complete the sentences with one of the words from each pair.3.Listen to Millie talking about two photos and match 1-7 with a-g.4.Listen again. Complete the sentences with an adjective or adverb.5.How do you do different things? Write sentences using adverbs and because. Use the words and phrases to help you.

Tổng hợp đề thi học kì 2 lớp 7 tất cả các môn - Chân trời sáng tạo

Toán - Văn - Anh - Khoa học tự nhiên...

Lựa chọn câu để xem lời giải nhanh hơn

Bài 1

1.Write the adjectives and adverbs.

(Điền các tính từ về trạng từ.)





2 happy

3 creative


5 easy

8 good

9 quiet









Phương pháp giải:

Trạng từ là những từ xuất hiện thường có đuôi “ly”

Tính từ thêm đuôi ly sẽ trở thành trạng từ. 

Một số trạng từ đặc biệt không đi kèm đuôi ly chẳng hạn như:

Good → Well

Fast → Fast

Hard → Hard

Early → Early

Late → Late

Lời giải chi tiết:




1 careful

2 happy

3 creative

4 rude

5 easy

6 bad

7 patient

8 good

9 quiet

10 fast












Bài 2

2.Complete the sentences with one of the words from each pair.

(Hoàn thành các câu với một từ trong mỗi cặp từ.)

‘That’s a fantastic photo of our family,’ my mum said happily.

1 I didn’t take a good photo of that small monkey because it was climbing very up the tree.

2 If you are to people, they are usually happy to be in a photo.

3 ‘Stop! Don’t take my photo!’ my brother shouted .

4 That man took a video from the top of dangerous mountain. He was very .

5 Most animals don’t walk  . You need to be quick when you take a picture of them.

6 ‘Please take my photo quickly!’ I said. ‘This old chair isn’t very 

Phương pháp giải:

Tính từ trong tiếng Anh

Có thể đứng sau động từ tobe, trước danh từ và một số động từ cố định khác (become, get, seem, look, sound, smell, make…)

Trạng từ trong tiếng Anh

Trạng từ có thể đứng sau động từ thường, trước tính từ, trước trạng từ… Ngoài ra, nó cũng có thể đứng đầu câu và bổ nghĩa cho cả câu

Lời giải chi tiết:

‘That’s a fantastic photo of our family,’ my mum said happily.

(‘Đó là một bức ảnh tuyệt vời của gia đình của chúng tôi’, mẹ tôi vui vẻ nói. )

1 I didn’t take a good photo of that small monkey because it was climbing very fast up the tree.

(Tôi không thể chụp được một bức ảnh đẹp về con khỉ nhỏ đó vì nó đang leo lên cây rất nhanh.)

Giải thích: Sau động từ ‘climb: leo trèo’ cần một trạng từ 

Bài 3

3.Listen to Millie talking about two photos and match 1-7 with a-g.

(Nghe Millie nói chuyện về hai bức ảnh và nối các câu 1-7 với a-g.)

1 Millie is studying

2 She always caries

3 She was walking

4 It was Anna’s

5 Millie doesn’t like

6 She was watching

7 She took two photos

a near the river.

b her brother.

c photography.

d photos of sport.

e her dad’s camera.

f to school.

g birthday

Phương pháp giải:

I'm studying photography. It's one of my favorite school subjects, but it isn't easy. I'm really into taking photos and I always carry my dad's old camera with me. He gave it to me last year and I take photos with it all the time, but I'm really careful with that camera and I always carry it in a small bag. Last week, I was walking near the river with my friend Anna. And I took this photo here, it's one of my favorites. Anna was very excited because it was her birthday. In this photo, she was jumping happily into the air and she was smiling, too. I think I took this photo from a good angle. You always need to work creatively and choose the most interesting angle for any photo. 

This second photo is more of a sports action photo. It is an easy to take photos of sports, like skateboarding. Tippy honest, I'm not very interested in sport, and I don't really like photos of sport, but I love this photo. I took this photo while I was watching my brother in the park one day, he loves skateboarding and I was there in the park for about 2 hours. If you wait patiently, you can take an exciting photo like this. 

I often have a notebook with me and I write down information about the photos. That's really important when you take a lot of photos. I lost my notebook that day. But I found it in the park the next morning. Phew. I think it's really good to share your photos to other people. And my photography teacher asks us to bring in our photos from home. So yesterday I took these two photos to school and I talked about them in front of the class.

Lời giải chi tiết:

1 Millie is studying photography.

(Millie đang học nhiếp ảnh.)

Giải thích: I'm studying photography. It's one of my favorite school subjects, but it isn't easy.

2 She always caries her dad’s camera.

(Cô ấy luôn mang theo máy ảnh của bố cô ấy.)

Giải thích: I'm really into taking photos and I always carry my dad's old camera with me. 

3 She was walking near the river.

(Cô ấy đang đi bộ gần sông.)

Giải thích: Last week, I was walking near the river with my friend Anna.

4 It was Anna’s birthday.

(Đó là sinh nhật của Anna.)

Giải thích: Anna was very excited because it was her birthday.

5 Millie doesn’t like photos of sport.

(Millie không thích những bức ảnh về thể thao.)

Giải thích: Tippy honest, I'm not very interested in sport, and I don't really like photos of sport, but I love this photo.

6 She was watching her brother.

(Cô ấy đang xem anh trai của mình.)

Giải thích: I took this photo while I was watching my brother in the park one day

7 She took two photos to school.

 (Cô ấy đã mang hai bức ảnh đến trường.)

Giải thích: So yesterday I took these two photos to school and I talked about them in front of the class.

Bài 4

4.Listen again. Complete the sentences with an adjective or adverb.

(Nghe lại lần nữa.Sau đó hoàn thành các câu với tính từ hoặc trạng từ.) 

It’s one of my favourite school subjects, but it isn’t easy.

1 But I’m reallywith that camera and I always carry it in a small bag.

2 In this photo, she was jumping  into the air and she was smiling,too.

3 You always need to work  and choose the most interesting angle for any photo.

4 It isn’tto take photos of sports like skateboarding.

5 If you wait, you can take an exciting photo like this.

6 I think it’s really to show your photos to other people.

Phương pháp giải:

I'm studying photography. It's one of my favorite school subjects, but it isn't easy. I'm really into taking photos and I always carry my dad's old camera with me. He gave it to me last year and I take photos with it all the time, but I'm really careful with that camera and I always carry it in a small bag. Last week, I was walking near the river with my friend Anna. And I took this photo here, it's one of my favorites. Anna was very excited because it was her birthday. In this photo, she was jumping happily into the air and she was smiling, too. I think I took this photo from a good angle. You always need to work creatively and choose the most interesting angle for any photo. 

This second photo is more of a sports action photo. It is an easy to take photos of sports, like skateboarding. Tippy honest, I'm not very interested in sport, and I don't really like photos of sport, but I love this photo. I took this photo while I was watching my brother in the park one day, he loves skateboarding and I was there in the park for about 2 hours. If you wait patiently, you can take an exciting photo like this. 

I often have a notebook with me and I write down information about the photos. That's really important when you take a lot of photos. I lost my notebook that day. But I found it in the park the next morning. Phew. I think it's really good to share your photos to other people. And my photography teacher asks us to bring in our photos from home. So yesterday I took these two photos to school and I talked about them in front of the class.

Lời giải chi tiết:

It’s one of my favourite school subjects, but it isn’t easy.

(Đó là một trong những môn học yêu thích của tôi ở trường, nhưng nó không hề dễ dàng.)

1 But I’m really carefulwith that camera and I always carry it in a small bag.

(Nhưng tôi thực sự cẩn thận với chiếc máy ảnh đó và tôi luôn mang nó trong một chiếc túi nhỏ.)

2 In this photo, she was jumping happily into the air and she was smiling,too.

(Trong bức ảnh này, cô ấy đang vui vẻ nhảy lên không trung và cô ấy cũng mỉm cười.)

3 You always need to work creatively and choose the most interesting angle for any photo.

(Bạn luôn cần phải làm việc sáng tạo và chọn góc thú vị nhất cho bất kỳ bức ảnh nào.)

4 It isn’t easy to take photos of sports like skateboarding.

(Không dễ dàng để chụp ảnh các môn thể thao như trượt ván.)

5 If you wait patiently , you can take an exciting photo like this.

(Nếu kiên nhẫn chờ đợi, bạn có thể chụp được một bức ảnh thú vị như thế này.)

6 I think it’s really good to show your photos to other people.

(Tôi nghĩ rằng sẽ rất tuyệt khi bạn cho người khác xem những bức ảnh của bạn.)

Bài 5

5.How do you do different things? Write sentences using adverbs and because. Use the words and phrases to help you.

(Bạn làm những công việc khác nhau như thế nào? Viết các câu sử dụng trạng ngữ và because. Sử dụng từ vựng và cụm từ để giúp bạn.)

 I get up slowly in the morning because I’m tired.

Lời giải chi tiết:

1 I cook the spaghetti carefully because it’s the first time I cook this dish.

(Tôi nấu mì Ý rất cẩn thận vì đây là lần đầu tiên tôi nấu món này)

2 I’m running very fast because there’s a good movie in TV now.

(Tôi đang chạy rất nhanh vì có một bộ phim hay trên TV.)

Tham Gia Group Dành Cho 2K11 Chia Sẻ, Trao Đổi Tài Liệu Miễn Phí
