• 1a. Reading

    1.Looking at the pictures. Complete the phrases with have, take, make, play, watch, catch, answer, or do. 2. Read the text and decide if each of the statements (1-5) is T (true) or F (false). 3. Read the text again and answer the questions. 4. Complete the phrases. 5. Circle the odd one out. 6. Fill in each gap with the correct word.

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  • 1b. Grammar

    1.Underline the correct option 2.Put the verbs in bracket in the Present Simple or Present Continuous. 3.Put the words in the right order to make sentences 4.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. 5.Put the verbs in the brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

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  • 1c. Listening

    1. Listen to Mark and Sarah talking about sharing the household chores. Fill in the gaps (1-5) in the chore chart. 2. Listen to Jack and Jill talking about their hobbies. For question (1-4) choose the correct answer (A,B or C) 3.Put the words with the underlined letters in the correct column. Then listen and check

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  • 1d. Speaking

    1.a) Match the columns to make activities. b) Write the activities in Exercise 1a under the correct pictures. 2.Complete the dialogue with the phrases below 3. Read the words and tick () the correct pronunciation. Then listen and check.

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  • 1e. Writing

    1.Reading the email and put the paragraphs in the correct order. 2.Read the email again and replace the words and phrases in bold with ones from list. 3. Look at the table below and make sentences as in the example. 4. Answer the questions.

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