Trắc nghiệm Đọc hiểu Review 4 Tiếng Anh 11 mới

Đề bài

Câu 1 :

Read the passage and choose the correct option (A, B, C, or D) to answer each of the given questions.

In 1959, the government of Egypt was working on a plan to build a dam on the River Nile. It was called the Aswan Dam, and it was intended to generate electricity and allow the river water to be used for agriculture. There was one big problem with the plan, though. The dam would flood a nearby valley that contained ancient Egyptian treasures, including two enormous stone temples.

It can be difficult for governments to choose culture and history over economics. However, if countries always made decisions like this, the majority of the world's ancient sites would end up being destroyed. Luckily, UNESCO stepped in. They formed a committee that tried to convince Egypt to protect its ancient treasures. With support from many countries, they were finally successful. The huge temples were carefully removed from their original site and moved to a safe location so that the dam could be built.

After their success in saving the temples in Egypt, UNESCO went on to save more sites around the world. They protected lagoons in Venice, ruins in Pakistan, and temples in Indonesia. With industrialisation changing the world rapidly, there were many sites that needed to be saved. Eventually, UNESCO formed the World Heritage Organisation to protect important natural and historic sites wherever it was necessary.

By now, the World Heritage Organisation has protected hundreds of sites ranging from beautiful natural islands to buildings in large cities and ancient ruins. If you're able to visit any of the many protected sites, you'll agree it was worth it.

Câu 1.1

What is the best title for the passage?

  • A.


  • B.

    UNESCO to succeed

  • C.

    UNESCO to develop

  • D.

    UNESCO to rescue

Câu 1.2

The word “this” in paragraph 2 refers to ____________.

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


Câu 1.3

What is meant by the first sentence of the second paragraph?

  • A.

    Most governments prefer to sell their treasures.

  • B.

    Money sometimes seems more important than all other things.

  • C.

    Governments are never able to consider two things at once.

  • D.

    Governments usually don't know anything about their culture.

Câu 1.4

Why did UNESCO get involved in Egypt?

  • A.

    Egypt was planning to build a dam that would harm ancient temples.

  • B.

    Egypt was planning to build a valley for agriculture and electricity.

  • C.

    Egypt was planning to create a dam right on top of an ancient temple.

  • D.

    When the dam flooded a valley, several treasures were discovered.

Câu 1.5

Why is the World Heritage Organisation more important now than it would have been 200 years ago?

  • A.

    Countries didn't cooperate in the past.

  • B.

    Cities were smaller back then.

  • C.

    There were not as many interesting sites 200 years ago.

  • D.

    Modern business and production are changing the world.

Câu 2 : Con hãy tích vào ô đúng hoặc sai cho mỗi câu (khẳng định) dưới đây.

Read the text again. Decide whether the following statements are true (T), false (F)

Changing lifestyles for better health

As a way of living, lifestyle is everyday behaviours, activities, and diet. It involves your work, leisure activities, food and drink consumption, and interaction with people. That is why it is important to have a healthy lifestyle. Although it is often difficult to change your habits, reorganising your daily activities to achieve a healthy lifestyle is not impossible. Here are some steps you need to take to have a better life and health.

Become more active

Scientists have proved that regular exercise can help to reduce cholesterol and the risk of heart disease. Remember that you do not need to do too much exercise - just a 30-minute walk a day will bring health benefits. But it is important that you do it regularly and safely. Simple things like walking or cycling to school, using the stairs instead of the lift, doing the housework and gardening can all contribute to good health.

Moreover, hobbies such as dancing, reading, listening to music, playing chess, and solving crossword or sudoku puzzles are also good ways to keep your body and mind engaged, and increase life expectancy. No matter where you are - at home, at work, or at play - always look for opportunities to be more active and energetic.

Eat healthily

‘Eat to live, not live to eat’ is the advice to follow.The food and drink we consume can dramatically affect our health. Bad nutrition based on fast food, and meals high in fat and sugar can lead to obesity, diabetes, some types of cancer and other chronic diseases. Planning and following a healthy and balanced diet is not difficult at all. Eat the right amount of calories to balance the energy you get from food and the energy you use. Make sure you have a wide range of foods to receive all the nutrients you need. Remember to eat less saturated fat, sugar and salt, and more fish, fruit, and vegetables.

Stay positive and be happy

Once you have started to be more active and eat more healthily, you can notice that you also feel happier. There is no doubt that daily worrying and stress can damage your heart and brain. When you are under a lot of stress, you may get angry easily. Anger and hostility have negative effects on the cardiovascular system. Recent research has confirmed that angry, hostile people live a shorter life. Try to control your anger, always look at the positive side of every situation and be optimistic. If necessary, practise some meditation and yoga to help you to relieve your stress and anger, and enjoy life more.

1. It is not possible to change your daily habits and activities.


2. In order to reduce cholesterol, you need to exercise a lot and work out more than 30 minutes every day.


3. Physical activity should be done not just regularly, but safely.


4. You should consume less fat and more sugar to balance the energy you use with the energy that goes into your body.


Stress and anger can affect people's life expectancy negatively.

Câu 3 :

Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.

Though called by sweet-sounding names like Firinga or Katrina, tropical cyclones are huge rotating storms 200 to 2,000 kilometers wide with winds that blow at speeds of more than 100 kilometers per hour (kph). Weather professionals know them as tropical cyclones, but they are called hurricanes in the Caribbean Sea, typhoons in the Pacific Ocean, and cyclones in the Indian Ocean. They occur in both the northern and southern hemispheres. Large ones have destroyed cities and killed hundreds of thousands of people.

Tropical cyclones begin over water that is warmer than 27 degrees Celsius (80 degrees Fahrenheit) slightly north or south of the earth’s equator. Warm, humid air full of water vapor moves upward. The earth’s rotation causes the growing storm to start to rotate around its center (called the eye). At a certain height, the water vapor condenses, changing to liquid and releasing heat. The heat draws more air and water vapor upward, creating a cycle as air and water vapor rise and liquid water falls. If the cycle speeds up until winds reach 118 kilometers per hour, the storm qualifies as a tropical cyclone.

Most deaths in tropical cyclones are caused by storm surge. This is a rise in sea level, sometimes seven meters or more, caused by the storm pushing against the ocean’s surface. Storm surge was to blame for the flooding of New Orleans in 2005. The storm surge of Cyclone Nargis in 2008 in Myanmar pushed seawater nearly four meters deep some 40 kilometers inland, resulting in many deaths.

It has never been easy to forecast a tropical cyclone accurately. The goal is to know when and where the next tropical cyclone will form. “And we can’t really do that yet,” says David Nolan, a weather researcher from the University of Miami. The direction and strength of tropical cyclones are also difficult to predict, even with computer assistance. In fact, long-term forecasts are poor; small differences in the combination of weather factors lead to very different storms. More accurate forecasting could help people decide to evacuate when a storm is on the way.

Câu 3.1

As stated in paragraph 1, tropical cyclones are storms with winds blowing at speeds of ______.

  • A.

    more than 100 kph     

  • B.

    at least 200 kph          

  • C.

    less than 100 kph       

  • D.

    no less than 200 kph

Câu 3.2

The word “they” in paragraph 1 refers to ______.

  • A.

    sweet-sounding names

  • B.

    wind speeds

  • C.

    tropical cyclones

  • D.

    weather professionals

Câu 3.3

According to the passage, tropical cyclones are called typhoons in ______.

  • A.

    the Indian Ocean

  • B.

    the Arctic Ocean

  • C.

    the Atlantic Ocean

  • D.

    the Pacific Ocean

Câu 3.4

Which of the following comes first in the process of storm formation?

  • A.

    Liquid water falls

  • B.

    Warm, humid air moves upward

  • C.

    Water vapor condenses

  • D.

    Wind speed reaches 118 kph

Câu 3.5

The word “evacuate” in paragraph 4 mostly means ______.

  • A.

    move to safer places  

  • B.

    make accurate predictions

  • C.

    take preventive measures                   

  • D.

    call for relief supplies

Câu 4 : Con hãy tích vào ô đúng hoặc sai cho mỗi câu (khẳng định) dưới đây.

Read the passage and decide if each sentence is true (T) or false (F). Circle your choice (T or F).


1. Changing Food Habits

Teenagers are often very busy with school, work, and sports schedules. Help your teenager plan his day if he cannot be home for meals. Send healthy snacks or packed lunches with him. This will help him avoid filling up on "junk" foods or high fat foods. They may need extra snacks to take with them or meals they can prepare quickly.

Your teenager still learns from your healthy eating habits. Be an example and praise his good food choices whenever you can. Never criticise the way your child looks at this time of life. Teenagers can easily become too worried about their body image. If they are eating too much or too little, it can affect their growth. Talk with your doctor if you are worried about your teenager's eating habits.

2. Food Group Choices

Give your teenager at least one serving per day of a high vitamin C food. Examples are citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes, potatoes, and green peppers. Your teenager also needs one serving per day of a high vitamin A food. This includes spinach, winter squash, carrots, or sweet potatoes.

Choose lean meats, fish, and poultry foods for your teenager. They are a source of proteins young people need in the period of growth. Also, give your teenager 2% milk and low-fat dairy foods. Avoid fried foods and high fat desserts; serve them only on special occasions. This will lower his risk for heart disease when he is older.

1. Parents should help their busy teenage children with planning their day.


2. Healthy snacks contain a lot of high fat foods.


3. Teenagers are sensitive to the criticism of their appearance.


4. There are alot of vitamins in vegetables.


5. Fried foods and high fat desserts are very important in the developmental period of the youngsters.

Câu 5 :

Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for each question.

Although they are safe to use in the short term, coal, gas and oil present a long term threat to the environment. All three types of fossil fuels produce carbon dioxide in far greater quantities than plants can use. The carbon dioxide then accumulates in the atmosphere and may even increase the earth’s “heat load” and lead to global rises in temperature. Furthermore, all three fossil fuels are non-renewable forms of energy.

Geothermal power is unlikely ever to be an energy source of major importance. It is limited and is exploitable in only a few places. Hydro-power offers a much more useful source of energy. It is also renewable but its availability is limited. Dams cannot be built in certain areas. Wind power is a pollution-free source of energy but it cannot be used in many parts of the world where there is insufficient wind. Wave power is non - polluting and doesn’t add to the earth’s heat but it is ineffective where the sea is usually calm.

Solar power is renewable. It neither causes pollution nor adds to the earth’s heat load. Unfortunately, solar power is not distributed equally and it also requires expensive equipment. Finally, nuclear power provides a very efficient and renewable power source. However, not only is there a great danger of leaks or accidents but there is also the problem of the disposal of radioactive waste.

Câu 5.1

The threat caused by fossil fuels in the long term is _____________________.

  • A.

    the safety of using them        

  • B.

    the non-renewable forms of energy

  • C.

    the increase in global temperatures

  • D.

    the greater quantities of carbon dioxide in plants

Câu 5.2

Geothermal power is less popular than other renewable sources of energy because ___________.

  • A.

    it is dangerous sometimes

  • B.

    it is not available in many places

  • C.

    it is polluted   

  • D.

    it costs a lot to exploit

Câu 5.3

It is worrying to use nuclear power because _______________________.

  • A.

    it is inefficient

  • B.

    an cause accidents

  • C.

    it is non-renewable     

  • D.

    it is not leaking

Câu 5.4

What is NOT true about the passage?

  • A.

    Fossil fuels are unlimited and safe to use in the distant future.

  • B.

    Hydro-power is impossible in places where dams cannot be built.

  • C.

    Like any other renewable sources of energy, solar energy has become disadvantages.

  • D.

    The use of solar energy and wind power depends on the weather.

Câu 5.5

The word “accumulates” in the passage is closest in meaning to________.

  • A.

    builds up

  • B.


  • C.


  • D.

    gets smaller

Lời giải và đáp án

Câu 1 :

Read the passage and choose the correct option (A, B, C, or D) to answer each of the given questions.

In 1959, the government of Egypt was working on a plan to build a dam on the River Nile. It was called the Aswan Dam, and it was intended to generate electricity and allow the river water to be used for agriculture. There was one big problem with the plan, though. The dam would flood a nearby valley that contained ancient Egyptian treasures, including two enormous stone temples.

It can be difficult for governments to choose culture and history over economics. However, if countries always made decisions like this, the majority of the world's ancient sites would end up being destroyed. Luckily, UNESCO stepped in. They formed a committee that tried to convince Egypt to protect its ancient treasures. With support from many countries, they were finally successful. The huge temples were carefully removed from their original site and moved to a safe location so that the dam could be built.

After their success in saving the temples in Egypt, UNESCO went on to save more sites around the world. They protected lagoons in Venice, ruins in Pakistan, and temples in Indonesia. With industrialisation changing the world rapidly, there were many sites that needed to be saved. Eventually, UNESCO formed the World Heritage Organisation to protect important natural and historic sites wherever it was necessary.

By now, the World Heritage Organisation has protected hundreds of sites ranging from beautiful natural islands to buildings in large cities and ancient ruins. If you're able to visit any of the many protected sites, you'll agree it was worth it.

Câu 1.1

What is the best title for the passage?

  • A.


  • B.

    UNESCO to succeed

  • C.

    UNESCO to develop

  • D.

    UNESCO to rescue

Đáp án : D

Phương pháp giải :

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Lời giải chi tiết :

Chủ đề phù hợp nhất cho đoạn văn này là gì?

A. UNESCO                                                              

B. Thành công của UNESCO

C. Sự phát triển của UNESCO                                  

D. Sự giải cứu của UNESCO

Thông tin: By now, the World Heritage Organisation has protected hundreds of sites ranging from beautiful natural islands to buildings in large cities and ancient ruins. If you're able to visit any of the many protected sites, you'll agree it was worth it.

Tạm dịch: Đến nay, Tổ chức Di sản Thế giới đã bảo vệ hàng trăm địa điểm từ các hòn đảo tự nhiên tuyệt đẹp đến các tòa nhà ở các thành phố lớn và di tích cổ. Nếu bạn có dịp viếng thăm địa danh nào trong số nhiều nơi được bảo vệ, bạn sẽ đồng ý rằng nó đáng giá.

Câu 1.2

The word “this” in paragraph 2 refers to ____________.

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


Đáp án : B

Phương pháp giải :

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Lời giải chi tiết :

Từ “this” ở đoạn 2 đề cập đến _______.

A. văn hóa                  

B. quyết định                         

C. đất nước                

D. kinh tế học

Thông tin: It can be difficult for governments to choose culture and history over economics. However, if countries always made decisions like this, the majority of the world's ancient sites would end up being destroyed.

Tạm dịch: Chính phủ có thể gặp khó khi lựa chọn giữa văn hóa và lịch sử thay vì kinh tế. Tuy nhiên, nếu các quốc gia luôn đưa ra quyết định như thế này, phần lớn các địa điểm cổ đại trên thế giới cuối cùng sẽ bị phá hủy.

Ở đây “this” chỉ quyết định lựa chọn văn hóa và lịch sử thay vì kinh tế.

Câu 1.3

What is meant by the first sentence of the second paragraph?

  • A.

    Most governments prefer to sell their treasures.

  • B.

    Money sometimes seems more important than all other things.

  • C.

    Governments are never able to consider two things at once.

  • D.

    Governments usually don't know anything about their culture.

Đáp án : C

Phương pháp giải :

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Lời giải chi tiết :

Câu đầu tiên của đoạn 2 có nghĩa là gì?

A. Hầu hết các chính phủ sẽ thích bán đi kho báu của họ.

B. Tiền đôi khi có vẻ quan trọng hơn tất cả những thứ khác.

C. Các chính phủ không bao giờ có thể cân nhắc hai thứ ngay lập tức.

D. Các chính phủ thường không biết gì về văn hóa của họ.

Thông tin: It can be difficult for governments to choose culture and history over economics.

Tạm dịch: Chính phủ có thể gặp khó khi lựa chọn giữa văn hóa và lịch sử thay vì kinh tế.

=> Các chính phủ không thể cân nhắc ngay lập tức.

Câu 1.4

Why did UNESCO get involved in Egypt?

  • A.

    Egypt was planning to build a dam that would harm ancient temples.

  • B.

    Egypt was planning to build a valley for agriculture and electricity.

  • C.

    Egypt was planning to create a dam right on top of an ancient temple.

  • D.

    When the dam flooded a valley, several treasures were discovered.

Đáp án : A

Phương pháp giải :

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Lời giải chi tiết :

Tại sao UNESCO tham gia vào vụ việc ở Ai Cập?

A. Ai Cập đã lên kế hoạch xây dựng một con đập có thể gây hại cho những ngôi đền cổ.

B. Ai Cập đã lên kế hoạch xây dựng một thung lũng cho nông nghiệp và điện.

C. Ai Cập đã lên kế hoạch tạo ra một con đập ngay trên đỉnh của một ngôi đền cổ.

D. Khi đập tràn vào một thung lũng, một số kho báu đã được phát hiện.

Thông tin: In 1959, the government of Egypt was working on a plan to build a dam on the River Nile. It was called the Aswan Dam, and it was intended to generate electricity and allow the river water to be used for agriculture. There was one big problem with the plan, though. The dam would flood a nearby valley that contained ancient Egyptian treasures, including two enormous stone temples.

Tạm dịch: Năm 1959, chính phủ Ai Cập đang thực hiện kế hoạch xây dựng một con đập trên sông Nile. Nó được gọi là đập Aswan, và nó được dự định để tạo ra điện và cho phép nước sông được sử dụng cho nông nghiệp. Mặc dù vậy, có một vấn đề lớn với kế hoạch. Con đập sẽ làm ngập một thung lũng gần đó chứa kho báu của người Ai Cập cổ đại, bao gồm hai ngôi đền đá khổng lồ.

Câu 1.5

Why is the World Heritage Organisation more important now than it would have been 200 years ago?

  • A.

    Countries didn't cooperate in the past.

  • B.

    Cities were smaller back then.

  • C.

    There were not as many interesting sites 200 years ago.

  • D.

    Modern business and production are changing the world.

Đáp án : D

Phương pháp giải :

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Lời giải chi tiết :

Tại sao Tổ chức Di sản Thế giới bây giờ quan trọng hơn hơn 200 năm trước?

A. Trong quá khứ các quốc gia không hợp tác.

B. Các thành phố hồi đó nhỏ hơn.

C. Không có nhiều địa điểm thú vị vào 200 năm trước.

D. Kinh doanh và sản xuất hiện đại đang thay đổi thế giới.

Thông tin: With industrialisation changing the world rapidly, there were many sites that needed to be saved. Eventually, UNESCO formed the World Heritage Organisation to protect important natural and historic sites wherever it was necessary.

Tạm dịch: Với sự công nghiệp hóa đang thay đổi thế giới nhanh chóng, có rất nhiều địa danh cần được lưu lại. Cuối cùng, UNESCO đã thành lập Tổ chức Di sản Thế giới để bảo vệ các địa điểm tự nhiên và lịch sử quan trọng ở bất cứ nơi nào cần thiết.

Câu 2 : Con hãy tích vào ô đúng hoặc sai cho mỗi câu (khẳng định) dưới đây.

Read the text again. Decide whether the following statements are true (T), false (F)

Changing lifestyles for better health

As a way of living, lifestyle is everyday behaviours, activities, and diet. It involves your work, leisure activities, food and drink consumption, and interaction with people. That is why it is important to have a healthy lifestyle. Although it is often difficult to change your habits, reorganising your daily activities to achieve a healthy lifestyle is not impossible. Here are some steps you need to take to have a better life and health.

Become more active

Scientists have proved that regular exercise can help to reduce cholesterol and the risk of heart disease. Remember that you do not need to do too much exercise - just a 30-minute walk a day will bring health benefits. But it is important that you do it regularly and safely. Simple things like walking or cycling to school, using the stairs instead of the lift, doing the housework and gardening can all contribute to good health.

Moreover, hobbies such as dancing, reading, listening to music, playing chess, and solving crossword or sudoku puzzles are also good ways to keep your body and mind engaged, and increase life expectancy. No matter where you are - at home, at work, or at play - always look for opportunities to be more active and energetic.

Eat healthily

‘Eat to live, not live to eat’ is the advice to follow.The food and drink we consume can dramatically affect our health. Bad nutrition based on fast food, and meals high in fat and sugar can lead to obesity, diabetes, some types of cancer and other chronic diseases. Planning and following a healthy and balanced diet is not difficult at all. Eat the right amount of calories to balance the energy you get from food and the energy you use. Make sure you have a wide range of foods to receive all the nutrients you need. Remember to eat less saturated fat, sugar and salt, and more fish, fruit, and vegetables.

Stay positive and be happy

Once you have started to be more active and eat more healthily, you can notice that you also feel happier. There is no doubt that daily worrying and stress can damage your heart and brain. When you are under a lot of stress, you may get angry easily. Anger and hostility have negative effects on the cardiovascular system. Recent research has confirmed that angry, hostile people live a shorter life. Try to control your anger, always look at the positive side of every situation and be optimistic. If necessary, practise some meditation and yoga to help you to relieve your stress and anger, and enjoy life more.

1. It is not possible to change your daily habits and activities.


2. In order to reduce cholesterol, you need to exercise a lot and work out more than 30 minutes every day.


3. Physical activity should be done not just regularly, but safely.


4. You should consume less fat and more sugar to balance the energy you use with the energy that goes into your body.


Stress and anger can affect people's life expectancy negatively.

Đáp án

1. It is not possible to change your daily habits and activities.


2. In order to reduce cholesterol, you need to exercise a lot and work out more than 30 minutes every day.


3. Physical activity should be done not just regularly, but safely.


4. You should consume less fat and more sugar to balance the energy you use with the energy that goes into your body.


Stress and anger can affect people's life expectancy negatively.

Phương pháp giải :

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. Không thể thay đổi các hoạt động và thói quen hằng ngày => sai

Thông tin: Although it is often difficult to change your habits, reorganising your daily activities to achieve a healthy lifestyle is not impossible.

Tạm dịch: Mặc dù thường rất khó để thay đổi thói quen của bạn, nhưng việc sắp xếp lại các hoạt động hàng ngày của bạn để đạt được một lối sống lành mạnh là không phải không thể.

Chọn F

2. Để giảm cholesterol, bạn cần tập thể dục nhiều hơn 30 phút mỗi ngày => sai

Thông tin: Scientists have proved that regular exercise can help to reduce cholesterol and the risk of heart disease. Remember that you do not need to do too much exercise - just a 30-minute walk a day will bring health benefits.

Tạm dịch: Các nhà khoa học đã chứng minh rằng tập thể dục thường xuyên có thể giúp giảm cholesterol và nguy cơ mắc bệnh tim. Hãy nhớ rằng bạn không cần phải tập thể dục quá nhiều - chỉ cần đi bộ 30 phút mỗi ngày sẽ mang lại lợi ích cho sức khỏe.

Chọn F

3. Các hoạt động thể chất nên được thực hiện không chỉ thường xuyên mà còn phải an toàn. => đúng

Thông tin: But it is important that you do it regularly and safely.

Tạm dịch: Nhưng điều quan trọng là bạn làm điều đó thường xuyên và an toàn.

Chọn T

4. Bạn nên tiêu thụ ít chất béo và nhiều đường hơn để cân bằng năng lượng bạn dùng với năng lượng nạp vào cơ thể bạn.=> sai

Thông tin: Eat the right amount of calories to balance the energy you get from food and the energy you use.

Tạm dịch: Ăn đúng lượng calo để cân bằng năng lượng bạn có được từ thực phẩm và năng lượng bạn sử dụng.

Chọn F

5. Áp lực và sự tức giận có thể ảnh hưởng tiêu cực tới tuổi thọ của con người. => đúng

Thông tin: Recent research has confirmed that angry, hostile people live a shorter life.

Tạm dịch: Nghiên cứu gần đây đã xác nhận rằng những người tức giận, thù địch sống một cuộc đời ngắn hơn.

Chọn T

Câu 3 :

Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.

Though called by sweet-sounding names like Firinga or Katrina, tropical cyclones are huge rotating storms 200 to 2,000 kilometers wide with winds that blow at speeds of more than 100 kilometers per hour (kph). Weather professionals know them as tropical cyclones, but they are called hurricanes in the Caribbean Sea, typhoons in the Pacific Ocean, and cyclones in the Indian Ocean. They occur in both the northern and southern hemispheres. Large ones have destroyed cities and killed hundreds of thousands of people.

Tropical cyclones begin over water that is warmer than 27 degrees Celsius (80 degrees Fahrenheit) slightly north or south of the earth’s equator. Warm, humid air full of water vapor moves upward. The earth’s rotation causes the growing storm to start to rotate around its center (called the eye). At a certain height, the water vapor condenses, changing to liquid and releasing heat. The heat draws more air and water vapor upward, creating a cycle as air and water vapor rise and liquid water falls. If the cycle speeds up until winds reach 118 kilometers per hour, the storm qualifies as a tropical cyclone.

Most deaths in tropical cyclones are caused by storm surge. This is a rise in sea level, sometimes seven meters or more, caused by the storm pushing against the ocean’s surface. Storm surge was to blame for the flooding of New Orleans in 2005. The storm surge of Cyclone Nargis in 2008 in Myanmar pushed seawater nearly four meters deep some 40 kilometers inland, resulting in many deaths.

It has never been easy to forecast a tropical cyclone accurately. The goal is to know when and where the next tropical cyclone will form. “And we can’t really do that yet,” says David Nolan, a weather researcher from the University of Miami. The direction and strength of tropical cyclones are also difficult to predict, even with computer assistance. In fact, long-term forecasts are poor; small differences in the combination of weather factors lead to very different storms. More accurate forecasting could help people decide to evacuate when a storm is on the way.

Câu 3.1

As stated in paragraph 1, tropical cyclones are storms with winds blowing at speeds of ______.

  • A.

    more than 100 kph     

  • B.

    at least 200 kph          

  • C.

    less than 100 kph       

  • D.

    no less than 200 kph

Đáp án : A

Phương pháp giải :

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Lời giải chi tiết :

Như đã nêu trong đoạn 1, bão nhiệt đới là những cơn bão có sức gió ______.

A. hơn 100 kph                                                          

B. ít nhất 200 kph

C. dưới 100 kph                                                         

D. không ít hơn 200 kph

Thông tin: tropical cyclones are huge rotating storms 200 to 2,000 kilometers wide with winds that blow at speeds of more than 100 kilometers per hour (kph).

Tạm dịch: nhưng những cơn bão nhiệt đới là những cơn bão lớn xoay quanh 200 đến 2.000 km với những sức gió lên tới hơn 100 km một giờ (kph).

Câu 3.2

The word “they” in paragraph 1 refers to ______.

  • A.

    sweet-sounding names

  • B.

    wind speeds

  • C.

    tropical cyclones

  • D.

    weather professionals

Đáp án : C

Phương pháp giải :

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Lời giải chi tiết :

Từ “they” trong đoạn 1 nhắc tới _______.

A. những cái tên ngọt ngào                                       

B. tốc độ gió

C. bão nhiệt đới                                                         

D. các chuyên gia thời tiết

Thông tin: Weather professionals know them as tropical cyclones, but they are called hurricanes in the Caribbean Sea, typhoons in the Pacific Ocean, and cyclones in the Indian Ocean.

Tạm dịch: Các chuyên gia thời tiết biết chúng là những cơn bão nhiệt đới, nhưng chúng được gọi là “hurricanes” ở biển Caribbean, “typhoons” ở Thái Bình Dương và “cyclones” ở Ấn Độ Dương.

Câu 3.3

According to the passage, tropical cyclones are called typhoons in ______.

  • A.

    the Indian Ocean

  • B.

    the Arctic Ocean

  • C.

    the Atlantic Ocean

  • D.

    the Pacific Ocean

Đáp án : D

Phương pháp giải :

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Lời giải chi tiết :

Theo đoạn văn, bão nhiệt đới được gọi là “typhoons” ở ______.

A. Ấn Độ Dương                                                       

B. Bắc Băng Dương

C. Đại Tây Dương                                                     

D. Thái Bình Dương

Thông tin: Weather professionals know them as tropical cyclones, but they are called hurricanes in the Caribbean Sea, typhoons in the Pacific Ocean, and cyclones in the Indian Ocean.

Tạm dịch: Các chuyên gia thời tiết biết chúng là những cơn bão nhiệt đới, nhưng chúng được gọi là “hurricanes” ở biển Caribbean, “typhoons” ở Thái Bình Dương và “cyclones” ở Ấn Độ Dương.

Câu 3.4

Which of the following comes first in the process of storm formation?

  • A.

    Liquid water falls

  • B.

    Warm, humid air moves upward

  • C.

    Water vapor condenses

  • D.

    Wind speed reaches 118 kph

Đáp án : B

Phương pháp giải :

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Lời giải chi tiết :

Điều nào sau đây xảy ra đầu tiên trong quá trình hình thành bão?

A. Nước dạng lỏng rơi xuống.                                  

B. Không khí ấm, ẩm di chuyển lên trên.

C. Ngưng tụ hơi nước.                                               

D. Tốc độ gió đạt 118 kph.

Thông tin: Tropical cyclones begin over water that is warmer than 27 degrees Celsius (80 degrees Fahrenheit) slightly north or south of the earth’s equator. Warm, humid air full of water vapor moves upward.

Tạm dịch: Bão nhiệt đới bắt đầu trên mặt nước khi nhiệt độ nóng hơn 27 độ C (80 độ F) ở phía bắc hoặc phía nam của đường xích đạo trái đất. Không khí ấm áp, ẩm ướt đầy hơi nước di chuyển lên trên.

Câu 3.5

The word “evacuate” in paragraph 4 mostly means ______.

  • A.

    move to safer places  

  • B.

    make accurate predictions

  • C.

    take preventive measures                   

  • D.

    call for relief supplies

Đáp án : A

Phương pháp giải :

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Lời giải chi tiết :

evacuate (v): sơ tán

A. di chuyển đến những nơi an toàn hơn                  

B. đưa ra dự đoán chính xác

C. có biện pháp phòng ngừa                                      

D. gọi cứu trợ

=> evacuate = move to safer places

Thông tin: More accurate forecasting could help people decide to evacuate when a storm is on the way.

Tạm dịch: Dự báo chính xác hơn có thể giúp mọi người quyết định sơ tán khi một cơn bão đang đến.

Câu 4 : Con hãy tích vào ô đúng hoặc sai cho mỗi câu (khẳng định) dưới đây.

Read the passage and decide if each sentence is true (T) or false (F). Circle your choice (T or F).


1. Changing Food Habits

Teenagers are often very busy with school, work, and sports schedules. Help your teenager plan his day if he cannot be home for meals. Send healthy snacks or packed lunches with him. This will help him avoid filling up on "junk" foods or high fat foods. They may need extra snacks to take with them or meals they can prepare quickly.

Your teenager still learns from your healthy eating habits. Be an example and praise his good food choices whenever you can. Never criticise the way your child looks at this time of life. Teenagers can easily become too worried about their body image. If they are eating too much or too little, it can affect their growth. Talk with your doctor if you are worried about your teenager's eating habits.

2. Food Group Choices

Give your teenager at least one serving per day of a high vitamin C food. Examples are citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes, potatoes, and green peppers. Your teenager also needs one serving per day of a high vitamin A food. This includes spinach, winter squash, carrots, or sweet potatoes.

Choose lean meats, fish, and poultry foods for your teenager. They are a source of proteins young people need in the period of growth. Also, give your teenager 2% milk and low-fat dairy foods. Avoid fried foods and high fat desserts; serve them only on special occasions. This will lower his risk for heart disease when he is older.

1. Parents should help their busy teenage children with planning their day.


2. Healthy snacks contain a lot of high fat foods.


3. Teenagers are sensitive to the criticism of their appearance.


4. There are alot of vitamins in vegetables.


5. Fried foods and high fat desserts are very important in the developmental period of the youngsters.

Đáp án

1. Parents should help their busy teenage children with planning their day.


2. Healthy snacks contain a lot of high fat foods.


3. Teenagers are sensitive to the criticism of their appearance.


4. There are alot of vitamins in vegetables.


5. Fried foods and high fat desserts are very important in the developmental period of the youngsters.

Phương pháp giải :

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. Parents should help their busy teenage children with planning their day.( Cha mẹ nên giúp những đứa trẻ tuổi vị thành niên luôn bận rộn lên kế hoạch cho ngày của chúng.)

Thông tin: Help your teenager plan his day if he cannot be home for meals.

Tạm dịch: Hãy giúp thanh thiếu niên của bạn lên kế hoạch cho ngày của cậu ấy nếu cậu không thể ăn ở nhà.

Chọn T

2. Healthy snacks contain a lot of high fat foods.( Đồ ăn nhẹ lành mạnh chứa nhiều thực phẩm giàu chất béo.)

Thông tin: Send healthy snacks or packed lunches with him. This will help him avoid filling up on "junk" foods or high fat foods.

Tạm dịch: Gửi đồ ăn nhẹ lành mạnh hoặc đồ ăn trưa đóng gói cho cậu bé. Điều này sẽ giúp cậu tránh làm đầy thực phẩm "rác" hoặc thực phẩm nhiều chất béo.

Chọn F

3. Teenagers are sensitive to the criticism of their appearance. (Thanh thiếu niên rất nhạy cảm với những lời chỉ trích về ngoại hình của họ.)

Thông tin: Teenagers can easily become too worried about their body image.

Tạm dịch: Thanh thiếu niên có thể dễ dàng trở nên quá lo lắng về hình ảnh cơ thể của họ.

Chọn T

4. There are a lot of vitamins in vegetables. (Có rất nhiều vitamin trong rau.)

Thông tin: Give your teenager at least one serving per day of a high vitamin C food. Examples are citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes, potatoes, and green peppers. Your teenager also needs one serving per day of a high vitamin A food. This includes spinach, winter squash, carrots, or sweet potatoes.

Tạm dịch: Cung cấp cho người con trong độ tuổi vị thành niên của bạn ít nhất một khẩu phần mỗi ngày của một loại thực phẩm giàu vitamin C. Thiếu niên của bạn cũng cần một khẩu phần mỗi ngày của một loại thực phẩm giàu vitamin A. Điều này bao gồm rau bina, bí mùa đông, cà rốt hoặc khoai lang.

Chọn T

5. Fried foods and high fat desserts are very important in the developmental period of the youngsters. (Thực phẩm chiên và món tráng miệng giàu chất béo rất quan trọng trong thời kỳ phát triển của trẻ.)

Thông tin: Avoid fried foods and high fat desserts; serve them only on special occasions. This will lower his risk for heart disease when he is older.

Tạm dịch: Tránh thực phẩm chiên và món tráng miệng nhiều chất béo; chỉ phục vụ họ trong những dịp đặc biệt. Điều này sẽ làm giảm nguy cơ mắc bệnh tim khi cậu bé già đi.

Chọn F

Câu 5 :

Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for each question.

Although they are safe to use in the short term, coal, gas and oil present a long term threat to the environment. All three types of fossil fuels produce carbon dioxide in far greater quantities than plants can use. The carbon dioxide then accumulates in the atmosphere and may even increase the earth’s “heat load” and lead to global rises in temperature. Furthermore, all three fossil fuels are non-renewable forms of energy.

Geothermal power is unlikely ever to be an energy source of major importance. It is limited and is exploitable in only a few places. Hydro-power offers a much more useful source of energy. It is also renewable but its availability is limited. Dams cannot be built in certain areas. Wind power is a pollution-free source of energy but it cannot be used in many parts of the world where there is insufficient wind. Wave power is non - polluting and doesn’t add to the earth’s heat but it is ineffective where the sea is usually calm.

Solar power is renewable. It neither causes pollution nor adds to the earth’s heat load. Unfortunately, solar power is not distributed equally and it also requires expensive equipment. Finally, nuclear power provides a very efficient and renewable power source. However, not only is there a great danger of leaks or accidents but there is also the problem of the disposal of radioactive waste.

Câu 5.1

The threat caused by fossil fuels in the long term is _____________________.

  • A.

    the safety of using them        

  • B.

    the non-renewable forms of energy

  • C.

    the increase in global temperatures

  • D.

    the greater quantities of carbon dioxide in plants

Đáp án : C

Phương pháp giải :

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Lời giải chi tiết :

Mối đe dọa gây ra bởi nhiên liệu hóa thạch trong dài hạn là ___.

A. sự an toàn của việc sử dụng chúng                                   

B. các dạng năng lượng không thể tái tạo

C. sự gia tăng nhiệt độ toàn cầu                                            

D. lượng carbon dioxide trong thực vật càng lớn

Thông tin: The carbon dioxide then accumulates in the atmosphere and may even increase the earth’s “heat load” and lead to global rises in temperature.

Tạm dịch: Khí CO2 sau đó tích tụ trong khí quyển và thậm chí có thể làm tăng suất tỏa nhiệt Trái đất và dẫn đến sự gia tăng nhiệt độ toàn cầu.

Câu 5.2

Geothermal power is less popular than other renewable sources of energy because ___________.

  • A.

    it is dangerous sometimes

  • B.

    it is not available in many places

  • C.

    it is polluted   

  • D.

    it costs a lot to exploit

Đáp án : B

Phương pháp giải :

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Lời giải chi tiết :

Năng lượng địa nhiệt ít phổ biến hơn các nguồn năng lượng tái tạo khác bởi vì ___.

A. nó đôi khi nguy hiểm                                            

B. nó không có sẵn ở nhiều nơi

C. nó bị ô nhiễm                                                        

D. tốn ​​rất nhiều chi phí để khai thác

Thông tin: It is limited and is exploitable in only a few places.

Tạm dịch: Nó bị hạn chế và có thể khai thác ở một vài nơi.

Câu 5.3

It is worrying to use nuclear power because _______________________.

  • A.

    it is inefficient

  • B.

    an cause accidents

  • C.

    it is non-renewable     

  • D.

    it is not leaking

Đáp án : B

Phương pháp giải :

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Lời giải chi tiết :

Thật đáng lo ngại khi sử dụng năng lượng hạt nhân bởi vì ___.

A. nó không hiệu quả                                                 

B. một tai nạn có thể bị gây ra

C. nó không thể tái tạo                                               

D. nó không bị rò rỉ

Thông tin: However, not only is there a great danger of leaks or accidents but there is also the problem of the disposal of radioactive waste.

Tạm dịch: Tuy nhiên, không chỉ có nguy cơ lớn về rò rỉ hoặc tai nạn mà còn có vấn đề xử lý chất thải phóng xạ.

Câu 5.4

What is NOT true about the passage?

  • A.

    Fossil fuels are unlimited and safe to use in the distant future.

  • B.

    Hydro-power is impossible in places where dams cannot be built.

  • C.

    Like any other renewable sources of energy, solar energy has become disadvantages.

  • D.

    The use of solar energy and wind power depends on the weather.

Đáp án : A

Phương pháp giải :

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Lời giải chi tiết :

Điều gì không đúng về đoạn văn?

A. Nhiên liệu hóa thạch là không giới hạn và an toàn để sử dụng trong tương lai xa.

B. Thủy điện là điều không thể ở những nơi không thể xây dựng đập.

C. Giống như bất kỳ nguồn năng lượng tái tạo nào khác, năng lượng mặt trời đã trở thành bất lợi.

D. Việc sử dụng năng lượng mặt trời và năng lượng gió phụ thuộc vào thời tiết.

Thông tin: Although they are safe to use in the short term, coal, gas and oil present a long term threat to the environment.

Tạm dịch: Mặc dù chúng an toàn để sử dụng trong thời gian ngắn, nhưng than, khí đốt và dầu là mối đe dọa lâu dài đối với môi trường.

Câu 5.5

The word “accumulates” in the passage is closest in meaning to________.

  • A.

    builds up

  • B.


  • C.


  • D.

    gets smaller

Đáp án : A

Phương pháp giải :

Kiến thức: Từ đồng nghĩa

Lời giải chi tiết :

Từ “accumulate” đồng nghĩa với từ nào sau đây?

accumulate (v): tích lũy, tích tụ

A. builds up: tích tụ                                                               

B. declines: giảm                   

C. decreases: giảm                                                                 

D. gets smaller: bé hơn, nhỏ hơn

=> accumulate = build up: tích tụ
