Đề số 20 - Đề thi thử THPT Quốc Gia môn Tiếng Anh

Đáp án và lời giải chi tiết Đề số 20 - Đề thi thử THPT Quốc Gia môn Tiếng Anh

Đề bài

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following question.

Question 1. “No, I won’t work overtime at the weekend,” said Sally.

A. Sally proised to work overtime at the weekend.

B. Sally apologized for not working overtime at the weekend. 

C. Sally refused to work overtime at the weekend. 

D. Sally regretted not working overtime at the weekend. 

Question 2. We survived that accident because the driver was driving carefully.

A. But for the driver, we would have survived that accident.

B. If we weren’t driving carefully, the driver couldn’t have survived that accident. 

C. Had the driver not been driving carefully, we wouldn’t have survived that accident.

D. Without our seat belts, we could have survived that accident.

Question 3. Jenny is so creative that we all can rely on her original ideas.

A. Being creative, we can all rely on Jenny for original ideas. 

B. So creative is Jenny that we all can rely on her for original ideas. 

C. Jenny is such creative girl that we all rely on her for original ideas.

D. Creative though Jenny is, we can rely on her for original ideas.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the questions.

Question 4. He called to tell me that he was studying. However, I didn’t believe him because there were a party-like sound.

A. Though he was studying when he called, I thought he was lying because he phoned, I didn’t believe his claim that he was studying.

B. Because of the sounds of a party I heard in the background when he phoned, I didn’t believe his claim that he was studying.

C. Although he rang me to tell me that he was studying , I couldn’t hear what he was saying properly because of my unbelievably noisy party.

D. I didn’t believe that he could study properly with the noise of a party in the background and and I told him that when he telephoned.

Question 5. There were over two hundred people at Carl’s trial. Most of them believed that he was not guilty of the crime.

A. The majority of the more than 200 people at Carl’s trial didn’t think that he had committed the crime.

B. Carl had not committed the crime, and so more than 200 people came to his trial to show their support.

C. Over 200 people coming to Carl’s trial must have influenced the fact that he was found guilty of the crime.

D. When it was announced that Carl had been found not guilty of the crime, there were 200 people in the audience at his trial.

Mark A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the questions.

Question 6. My brother usually asks (A) me for help when (B) he has (C) difficulty to do (D) his math homework.

Question 7. Many people object to use  (A) physical punishment (B) in dealing with (C) discipline problems at school. (D)

Question 8. Such animals like (A) frogs have (B) waterproof (C) skin that prevents them (D) from drying out quickly in air, sun, or wind.

Read the passage and mark A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word that best fits each of the questions.

In the early twentieth century, an American woman named Emily Post wrote a book (9)_______ etiquette. This book explained the proper behavior Americans should follow in many different social situations from birthday parties to funerals. But in modern society, it is not simply to know the proper (10)______ for behavior in your own country. It is necessary for people who work or travel abroad to understand the rules of etiquette in other cultures as well.

Cultural differences can be found in such simple processes as giving or receiving a gift. In Western cultures, a gift can be given to the receiver with relatively (11)______ ceremony. When a gift is offered, the receiver usually takes the gift and expresses his or her thanks. In Chinese culture, both the giver and receiver understand that the receiver will typically refuse to take the gift several times before he or she finally accepts it. In addition, to show respect for the receiver, it is (13)_________ in several Asian cultures to use both hands when offering a gift to another person.

Question 9.

 A. on B. with

C. by D. upon

Question 10.

A. tendency B. convention

C. rules D. laws

Question 11.

A. specially B. differently

C. few D. little

Question 12.

A. Morever B. Otherwise

C. Therefore D. However

Question 13.

A. extraordinary B. efficient

C. unusual D. common

Read the passage and mark A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

The environment is everything that surrounds us: plants, animals, buildings, country, air, water... everything that can affect us in any way. The environment of a town, with its buildings and its noise and smells, is a far cry from that of the countryside, with its fields and crops, its wild and domestic animals and its feeling of spaciousness. And the environment differs in different parts of the world.

Ecology is the science of how living things exist together and depend on each other and on the local environment. Where an environment is peaceful, the ecology of an area is in balance.

Man is a part of the environment and has done more to upset the ecology than any other living things. He has poisoned the atmosphere and polluted both land and water. He has wasted the earth’s natural resources with no thought for the future, and has thought out the cruel ways of killing his fellow men--- and every other sort of life at the same time.

Since man has done so much damage, it is up to man to try to put matters right--- if it is not already too late. If there is to be any solutions for our ills, that solutions lie in the hands of the young, and the sooner they start doing something about it, the better.

One of the main causes of the earth’s troubles is that the world is overpopulated and that this overpopulation is growing at an ever increasing speed. At the same time we are using up our natural resources at an ever increasing speed with no hope for replacing them.

For many years the earth has been unable to provide enough food for these rapidly growing populations and the position is gradually becoming worse since the areas that were once rich have turned into deserts.

Even at this moment many of the earth’s natural treasures are being destroyed, many valuable animals and plants are being killed off, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to grow enough food to prevent much of the earth’s population from hunger. The situation is getting out of hand. Time is running out. But with your help, we may be able to save ourselves. Who cares?

Question 14. The environment is ________.

A. almost the same in the world 

B. different in different countries

C. almost the same in different towns

D. different from place to place

Question 15. The word “He” in paragraph 3 refers to__________.

A. Living creature

B. The ecology

C. The environment

D. Man

Question 16. The environment of a town, with its buildings and its noise and smells, is a far cry from that of the countryside” ( in paragraph 1)means that _________.

A. the town is far from the countryside

B. the environment of a town is worse different from that of the countryside

C. the environment of a town is quite different from that of the countryside

D. the environment of a town can’t be compared to that of the countryside 

Question 17. The main purpose of the passage is to _________.

A. inform people about the science of ecology

B. urge people to do something about the environment 

C. criticize some actions ofhuman beings

D. help us understand the world we live in

Question 18. It can be inferred from the passage that __________

A. species of animals and plants exist together and depend on each other

B. man is a part of the natural environment

C. natural resources are being used up and man needs to conserve them.

D. controlling the population is also a necessary way to keep the ecological balance.

Question 19. The words “ getting out of hand” the last paragraph is closest in meaning to _________.

A. able to control

B. becoming difficult 

C. under control

D. out of control

Question 20. It is not clearly stated but implied in the passage that________.

A. we can do something to save the earth

B. we can grow more food to save ourselves

C. we can do nothing about the natural resources 

D. we can not make good use of our time

Read the passage and mark A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

In the early 1800’s, over 80 percent of the United States labor force was engaged in agriculture. Sophisticated technology and machinery were virtually nonexistent. People who lived in the cities and were not directly involved in trade often participated in small cottage industries making handcrafted goods. Others cured meats, silversmiths, candle or otherwise produced needed goods and commodities. Blacksmiths, silversmiths, candle makers, and other artisansworked in their homes or barns, relying on help of family.

Perhaps no single phenomenon brought more widespread and lasting change to the United States society than the rise of industrialization. Industrial growth hinged on several economic factors. First, industry requires an abundance of natural resources, especially coal, iron ore, water, petroleum, and timber-all readily available on the North American continent. Second, factories demand a large labor supply. Between the 1870’s and the First World War (1914-1918), approximately 23 million immigrants streamed to the United States, settled in cities, and went to work in factories and mines. They also helped build the vast network of canals and railroads that crisscrossed the continent and linked important trade centers essential to industrial growth.

Factories also offered a reprieve from the backbreaking work and financial unpredictability associated with farming. Many adults, poor and disillusioned with farm life, were lured to the cities by promises of steady employment, regular paychecks, increased access to goods and services, and expanded social opportunities. Others were pushed there when new technologies made their labor cheap or expendable; inventions such as steel plows and mechanized harvesters allowed one farmhand to perform work that previously had required several, thus making farming capital-intensive rather than labor-intensive.

The United States economy underwent a massive transition and the nature of work was permanently altered. Whereas cottage industries relied on a few highly skilled craft workers who slowly and carefully converted raw materials into finished products from start to finish, factories relied on specialization. While factory work was less creative and more monotonous, it was also more efficient and allowed mass production of goods at less expense.

Question 21. The word “ expendable” is closest in meaning to _______.

A. nonproductive

B. unacceptable 

C. nonessential 

D. unprofitable

Question 22. The word “Others” in paragraph 3 refers to __________.

A. adults

B. promises 

C. goods and services 

D. social opportunities

Question 23. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

A. What American factories offered their farmer

B. What led American farmers to leaving their farms

C. How much capital was needed in American factories

D. How the American work force benefited from new techologies

Question 24. Blacksmiths, silversmiths, candle makers are are mentioned in lines 5-6 as examples of artisans who ________.

A. maintained their businesses at home

B. were eventually able to use sophisticated technology

C. produced unusual goods and commodities

D. would employ only family members

Question 25. According to thepassage, factor workers differed from craft workers in that factory workers _______.

A. were required to be more creative

B. worked extensively with raw materials

C. changed jobs frequently 

D. specialized in one aspect of the finished product only

Question 26. What aspect of life in the United States does the passage maily discuss?

A. The transition from an agricultural to an industrial economy.

B. The invention that transformed life in the nineteenth century.

C. The problems associated with the earliest factories.

D. The difficulty of farm life in the nineteenth century.

Question 27. What does the author mean when stating that certain inventions made farming "capital-intensive rather than labor-intensive"?

A. Workers had to be trained to operate the new machines.

B. The new inventions were not helpful for all farming activities.

C. Human labor could still accomplish as much work as the first machines.

D. Mechanized farming required more capital and fewer laborers.

Question 28. Which of the following statements woud the author most probably support?

A. The United States witnessed the prosperity of industrialization in a short duration.

B. The United States farming was under the utmost influence of industrialization process. 

C. Both economic and social factors resulted in the rise of industrialization in the United States.

D. Crucial changes in the United States society were generated by the industrial growth.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 29.

A. sharp B. hammer 

C. apple D. applicant

Question 30.

A. cooked B. ploughed 

C. stopped D. finished

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 31.

A. relation B. employment

C. important D. mischievous 

Question 32.

A. active B. employ

C. dessert D. affair

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 33. You ______ use your dictionary during the language test. It’s prohibited.

A. mustn’tB. oughtn’t 

C. mightn’tD. needn’t 

Question 34. A survey was ________ to study the effects of mass media on young adults.

A. commentedB. carried out 

C. madeD. filled 

Question 35. Since Elgin was fired from the university, he has been forced to work hard to earn his _______.

A. tuitionB. debt 

C. livelihoodD. finance

Question 36. We bought some _______.

A. German lovely old glasses

B. German old lovely glasses 

C. lovely old German glasses

D. old lovely German glasses

Question 37. The police are sometimes on _______ at night.

A. forceB. work 

C. responsibility D. patrol 

Question 38. This is the first time James _________ a strike.

A. joinsB. joined 

C. has joined D. has been joining 

Question 39. More and more investors are pouring money into food and beverage _______ start-ups.

A. anB. the

C. ∅ D. a

Question 40. It is ________ learning English in our modern times.

A. worthB. beneficial 

C. costlyD. valuable

Question 41. John hasn’t studied much this year, so, in the last couple of months, he’s had to work _______ to catch up with his classmates.

A. devotedlyB. randomly

C. hardD. fast

Question 42. She puts some money ________ each month for her holiday.

A. asideB. back

C. upD. about 

Question 43. A university degree is thought to be a _______ for applying to a company.

A. claimB. request

C. demandD. prerequisite

Question 44. The temperature ________ takes place varies widely from material to material.

A. at which melting

B. which melting 

C. which they melt

D. at which they melt

Mark A, B, C or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

Question 45. A: “ How do you do?” ~ B “_________”

A. How do you do?

B. I’m a bartender

C. Everything is OK!

D. I’m very fine, thanks!

Question 46. Mary: “You stepped on my toes!”~ James: “________.”

A. Are you sure? It’s understandable.

B. I’m sorry but I meant it.

C. Really! I’m glad you like it.

D. I’m terribly sorry. I didn’t mean it.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 

Question 47. A series of programs have been broadcast to raise public awareness of healthy living.

A. people’sB. teenagers’

C. adolescents’ D. residents’

Question 48. In the wee hours, while the child is sleeping, the Tooth Fairy takes the tooth and leaves some money under the pillow.

A. soon after midnight

B. late in the morning

C. early in the evening

D. long before bedtime

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 

Question 49. Heavy rain makes driving on the road very difficult.

A. lightB. torrential

C. stormD. shower

Question 50. During the height of the season, tourists arrive in droves to see Shakespeare’s birthdayplace.

A. in small numbers

B. suddenly

C. in large numbers

D. out of the blue

Lời giải chi tiết

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