Đề cương ôn tập học kì 1 Tiếng Anh 3 - Global Success

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I. NỘI DUNG ÔN TẬP Unit 1. Hello 1. Từ vựng Chào hỏi, tạm biệt 2. Ngữ pháp Chào hỏi, tạm biệt Unit 2. Our names 1. Từ vựng Tên người Hỏi tên 2. Ngữ pháp Hỏi tên, tuổi


Unit 1. Hello

1. Từ vựng

Chào hỏi, tạm biệt

2. Ngữ pháp

Chào hỏi, tạm biệt

Unit 2. Our names

1. Từ vựng

- Tên người

- Hỏi tên

2. Ngữ pháp

Hỏi tên, tuổi

Unit 3. Our friends

1. Từ vựng

Bạn bè, thầy cô

2. Ngữ pháp

Đại từ chỉ định

Unit 4. Out bodies

1. Từ vựng

Bộ phận trên cơ thể người

2. Ngữ pháp

- Hỏi xem đây là cái gì

- Câu yêu cầu, đề nghị

Unit 5. My hobbies

1. Từ vựng

Một số hoạt động

2. Ngữ pháp

Hỏi về sở thích của ai đó

Unit 6. Our school

1. Từ vựng

Các địa điểm trong trường học

2. Ngữ pháp

- Hỏi trả lời về các địa điểm trong trường học

- Rủ cùng làm gì với Let’s

Unit 7. Classroom instructions

1. Từ vựng

Động từ

2. Ngữ pháp

- Đưa ra lời đề nghị một cách lịch sự

- Xin phép ai đó làm gì

Unit 8. My school things

1. Từ vựng

Đồ dùng học tập

2. Ngữ pháp

- Nói xem mình có cái gì

- Hỏi xem ai đó có cái gì không

Unit 9. Colours

1. Từ vựng

Màu sắc

2. Ngữ pháp

Hỏi màu sắc của đồ vật

Unit 10. Breaktime activities

1. Từ vựng

Hạt động giải trí

2. Ngữ pháp

Hỏi đáp về việc làm gì trong giờ giải lao


Unit 1. Hello

1. Odd one out


A. Ben

B. Mai

C. Minh

D. Hello


A. Hi

B. Hello

C. Lucy

D. Bye


A. How are you

B. Ben

C. Goodbye

D. Bye


A. I

B. Mai

C. Minh

D. Ben


A. Thank you

B. Hi

C. Hello

D. Lucy

II. Choose the correct sentences.

1. Hi Minh, I’m Lucy. - __________.

A. Hi Lucy, I’m Minh.

B. Hello Lucy, I’m fine.

C. Hi Lucy, thank you.

2. How are you?

A. Thank you.

B. I’m Ben.

C. I’m fine.

3. Goodbye, Mai.

A. Bye, Ben.

B. Hi, goodbye.

C. Hi, thank you.

4. I’m good. Thank you. And you?

A. How are you?

B. Thank you.

C. I’m fine.

Unit 2. Our names

I. Circle the missing letter.

1. o_d

A. l B. h C. k

2. n_me

A. e B. a C. u

3. yo_r

A. u B. n C. a

4. _hat

A. g B. w C. m

5. se_en

A. l B. n C. v

II. Choose the correct answers to complete sentences.

1. ____ your name?

A. What

B. What’s

C. Whats

2. How _____ are you.

A. old

B. name

C. I’m

3. I’m seven _____ old.

A. names

B. year

C. years

4. ____ name’s Linh.

A. My

B. I’m

C. Old

Unit 3. Our friends 

Choose the correct answers to complete sentences. 

1. This ____ Mr Hung.

A. are

B. is

C. you

2. ____, it is.

A. How

B. No

C. Yes

3. No, it _____.

A. is

B. isn’t

C. isnt

4. _____ Thao.

A. That’s

B. That

C. Thats

5. ____ Minh.

A. Its

B. It

C. It’s

Unit 4. Out bodies 

Choose the correct answers.

1. You need _____ to listen to music.

A. eyes

B. ears

C. hair

2. She has long, black _____.

A. hand

B. mouth

C. hair

3. You need _____ to watch TV.

A. hand

B. eyes

C. nose

4. His _____ is round.

A. face

B. hair

C. hand

5. _______ this?

A. What

B. Whats

C. What’s

Unit 5. My hobbies

Read aand fill in the blanks. Use the given words.

hobby swimminng painting cooking singing

1. You do this in the water. ______

2. You use colors when you do this. ______

3. She is in the kitchen. She likes _______.

4. This is what you like to do. ______

5. She is a singer. She likes ______.

Unit 6. Our school

Read and match.

art room music room classroom library computer room

1. You sing in this room. ______

2. You read books in this room. ______

3. You study with teacher in this room. ______

4. You use computer in this room. ______

5. You draw and paint in this room. ______

Unit 7. Classroom instructions

I. Choose the correct answers to complete sentences.

1. You _____ your book when you have a test in the class.

A. open

B. speak

C. close

2. You raise hand before you ____ in the class.

A. come in

B. speak

C. sit down

3. You _____ to greet the teacher.

A. stand up

B. open

C. sit down

4. You _____ your book to learn in the class.

A. close

B. go out

C. open

II. Choose correct sentences from the given words.

1. stand/please.

A. Stand up, please.

B. Stand out, please.

C. Stand down, please.

2. may/speak/?

A. May you speak?

B. May I speak?

C. May can I speak?

3. open/please.

A. May open your books, please.

B. Open you books, please.

C. Open your books, please.

4. may/come/?

A. May I come down?

B. Come may I?

C. May I come in?

Unit 8. My school things

Choose correct answers to complete sentences.

1. _____ you have a pencil?

A. Do

B. Is

C. How

2. Yes, I ____.

A. don’t

B. do

C. isn’t

3. No, I _____.

A. dont

B. don’t

C. do

4. I _____ an eraser.

A. have

B. don’t

C. do

Unit 9. Colours

I. Read and fill in the blanks, use the given words.

red black blue green

1. This is the colour of trees. ______

2. This is the colour of the sky and the ocean. ______

3. This is the colour of an tomato . ______

4. This is the colour of ink. ______

II. Choose an excessive word in each sentence below.

1. It’s is yellow.

2. What colour is are it?

3. What colour are they how?

4. They are is red.

Unit 10. Breaktime activities

I. Find an excessive letter in each word below.

1. volleiyball

2. footballe

3. bassketball

4. beadminton

5. chkess

II. Choose the correct answer.

1. What ____ you do at break time?

A. do

B. is

C. are

2. I ____ word puzzles.

A. do

B. play

C. how

3. I chat ____ my friends.

A. do

B. to

C. with

4. What _____ you?

A. about

B. with

C. how


Unit 1. Hello

I. Odd one out

1. D

2. C

3. B

4. A

5. D

II. Choose the correct sentences.

1. A

2. C

3. A

4. C

Unit 2. Our names

I. Circle the missing letter.

1. A

2. B

3. A

4. B

5. C

II. Choose the correct answers to complete sentences.

1. B

2. A

3. C

4. A

Unit 3. Our friends 

Choose the correct answers to complete sentences. 

1. B

2. C

3. B

4. A

5. C

Unit 4. Out bodies

Choose the correct answers.

1. B

2. C

3. B

4. A

5. C

Unit 5. My hobbies

Read aand fill in the blanks. Use the given words.

1. swimminng

2. painting

3. cooking

4. hobby

5. singing

Unit 6. Our school

Read and match.

1. music room

2. library

3. classroom

4. computer room

5. art room

Unit 7. Classroom instructions

I. Choose the correct answers to complete sentences.

1. C

2. B

3. A

4. C

II. Choose correct sentences from the given words.

1. A

2. B

3. C

4. C

Unit 8. My school things

Choose correct answers to complete sentences.

 1. A

2. B

3. B

4. A

Unit 9. Colours

I. Read and fill in the blanks, use the given words.

1. green

2. blue

3. red

4. black

II. Choose an excessive word in each sentence below.

1. is

2. are

3. how

4. is

Unit 10. Breaktime activities

I. Find an excessive letter in each word below.

1. volleiyball

2. footballe

3. bassketball

4. beadminton

5. chkess

II. Choose the correct answer.

1. A

2. A

3. C

4. A

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