Đề cương ôn tập học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 6 - English Discovery

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Đề cương ôn tập học kì 2 tiếng Anh 6 English Discovery từ Unit 6 - 9 gồm lý thuyết và bài tập về ngữ âm, từ vựng, ngữ pháp có đáp án


I. Từ vựng

Unit 6. A question of sport

+ Các môn thể thao & người chơi thể thao

Unit 7. The time machine

+ Công nghệ và những thời khắc lịch sử quan trọng

Unit 8. Talking to the world

+ Các quốc gia khác nhau

Unit 9. Getting around

+ Các phương tiện giao thông đi lại

Unit 10. My dream jobs

+ Con người và công việc của họ

II. Ngữ pháp

1. was/ were

2. Thì quá khứ đơn

3. must/ have to

4. Mạo từ

5. Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn

6. will/ be going to

7. Câu điều kiện loại 1

III. Ngữ âm

1. Âm /ɪ/ & /aɪ/

2. Trọng âm từ có 2 âm tiết

3. Âm /ʃ/ & /tʃ/

4. Âm /eɪ / & /ɑː/

5. Âm /dʒ/


I. Từ vựng

Unit 6

Complete the sentences with the words below.

cup cyclist medals pitch points score team

1. Our national football team always takes part in the World ______.

2. A: What was the _____? - B: 2-2.

3. How many _____ do you need to win a table tennis game?

4. I'm angry because I'm not in the school basketball ____. I'm too short!

5. Sometimes spectators come onto the _____ at the end of the match.

6. Chris Hoy is a famous ____ who won lots of gold ____ at the Olympic Games. 

Đáp án:

1. Cup

2. score

3. points

4. team

5. pitch

6. cyclist, medals

Unit 7

Order the letters and write the words in the sentences.

1. I like it when we do experiments in Science lessons but I don't understand the _______ (reyhot).

2. My _______ (treginno) is the same as yours -every time your phone rings, I think it's mine.

3. Do you like the first _______ (catkr) on the band's new album?

4. My clothes are dirty - I need to put them in the _______ (gwnaish emcahin).

5. My dad bought me a new games _______ (sloceon) for my birthday. Come and try it with me.

6. Which_______ (toninevin) was the most important of the last century?

7. Facebook is my favourite social _______ (tneogwrikn) site.

8. I always use a search _______ (eening) like Google to find what I need. 

Đáp án:

1. theory

2. ringtone

3. track

4. washing machine

5. console

6. invention 

7. networking

8. engine

Unit 8

Complete the words in the sentences.

1. My cousin speaks Italian f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because he lived in Italy when he was younger.

2. I m_ _ _ five phone calls but all my friends were out

3. Jack p_ _ _ _ _ a really funny message on Facebook yesterday.

4. English isn't Katya's n_ _ _ _ _ language but she speaks it really well.

5. The c_ _ _ _ _ _ city of Scotland is Edinburgh.

6. I s_ _ _ a text to Jodie to say that we're in the café. I think she's coming. 

Đáp án:

1. fluently

2. made 

3. posted

4. native

5. capital

6. sent

Unit 9

Complete the words.

1. A big place where people can leave their cars: c_ _ p_ _ _

2. This means of transport goes under houses and roads: u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3. This is like a bicycle but it goes very fast and you don't need to pedal: m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

4. You wait here for a bus: b_ _ s_ _ _

5. People on bikes use this when they're cycling in towns: b_ _ _ l_ _ _

6. This is like a bus but people use it for longer journeys: c_ _ _ _

Đáp án:

1. car park

2. underground

3. motorbike

4. bus stop

5. bike lane

6. coach

Unit 10

Complete the sentences with the correct jobs.

1. My dad is a ______ and he writes articles for magazines and newspapers.

2. My friend loves repairing cars and motorbikes and he wants to be a ______ .

3. I don't want to be an ______ like my cousin. He just calculates numbers for businesses all day.

4. All our lights went off this morning. We need an ______ to fix the problem.

5. My brother is training to be an ______ . He wants to design modem, eco-friendly buildings.

6. The police arrested Kevin for dangerous driving. He needs a good ______ or he'll go to prison. 

Đáp án:

1. journalist

2. mechanic

3. accountant

4. electrician

5. architect

6. lawyer

II. Ngữ pháp

Exercise 1

Complete the sentences with the correct form of was or were.

1. Jim _____ the worst runner in my class at primary school. He always lost races.

2. We _____ at home at the weekend. We went to the seaside.

3. _____ you at Donna's party on Friday?

4. Who _____ your first teacher?

5. _____ the weather good when you _____ on holiday last week?

6. I _____ interested in sports when I _____ young. But I am now. 

Đáp án:

1. was

2. weren't

3. Were 

4. was 

5. Was, were

6. wasn't, was

Exercise 2

Complete the sentences with the Past Simple form of the verbs below.

end go play run score see shout wait watch win

1. I was in town yesterday and I ____ Lyn with her new boyfriend.

2. We ____ the match on TV and everyone____ when Rooney ____ a goal!

3. We ____for a walk after lunch.

4. At sports day Bill ____ faster than everyone and he ____ the race.

5. The teacher _____ us some English songs in class. They were cool.

6. When the film _____, we ____ for a bus for half an hour. 

Đáp án:

1. saw

2. watched, shouted, scored

3. went

4. ran, won

5. played

6. ended, waited

Exercise 3

Read the answers. Write questions about the parts underlined.

1. We got home from London at midnight

=> _________________________________

2. In London we stayed at the Grand Hotel

=> _________________________________

3. We met Jack in Trafalgar Square. 

=> _________________________________

4. I had fish and chips for dinner. 

=> _________________________________

5. We travelled to London and back by train

=> _________________________________

Đáp án:

1. When did you get home from London?

2. Where did you stay in London?

3. Who did you meet in Trofalgor Square?

4. What did you have for dinner?

5. How did you travel to London and back? 

Exercise 4

Complete the sentences with the prepositions below. 

about (x2) at for (x2) to

1. We learned _____ King Henry VIII at school today.

2. I asked the waiter ____ some bread and butter.

3. My friend shouted ____ me when I broke her phone.

4. Brad is very quiet. I don't know what he's thinking ____.

5. Amy lost her homework. She looked ____ it for an hour.

6. We talked ____ Jim in the café this afternoon. 

Đáp án:

1. about 

2. for

3. at

4. about

5. for

6. to

Exercise 5

Complete the note with the correct form of have to, don't have to or mustn't


I'm out until 7.30, remember? Your dinner's in the fridge; you (1) ____ do much - just put it in the microwave. It (2) _____ heat for five minutes. 

Jim phoned - you (3) ____ miss football practice tonight. It's important! 

You (4) ____ take the dog for a walk because Sue took him this afternoon., but you (5) ____ tidy your room. It's a mess!

Oh yes, and you (6) ____ finish your History project. It's nearly Friday! 

And you (7) ____ forget to feed the dog at 6.30.

See you later!

Mum X 

Đáp án:

1. don't have to 

2. has to

3. mustn't 

4. don't have to 

5. have to

6. have to

7. mustn't 


Exercise 6

Complete the sentences with a/an or the.

1. Carl bought ___ new car yesterday. ___ car is red.

2. There's ___new cinema and___ old cinema in town. ___ new cinema is big and __ old cinema is small.

3. ___ man is walking down the road. There's ___dog with ___ man.

4. There's ___ bicycle outside the house. I think ___ bicycle is Helen's.

Đáp án:

1. a, The

2. a, an, The, the

3. A, a, the

4 a, the

Exercise 7

Order the words to make sentences.

1. going / is / Tommy / emails / dinner / to / write / some / after

=> __________________________

2. not / we / the / in / going / long / to / are / stay / for / park /. 

=> __________________________

3. get / Cathy and Mark / to / soon / going / married / are /? 

=> __________________________

4. lot/ I'm/ going/ not/ a/ the/ at/ restaurant / to / eat /. 

=> __________________________

5. drink / isn't / Lyn / coffee / to / for / going / month / a /. 

=> __________________________

6. going / they / book / centre / to / in / are / city / hotel / the / a /? 

=> __________________________

Đáp án:

1. Tommy's going to write some emails after dinner.

2. We are not going to stay in the park for long.

3. Are Cathy and Mark going to get married soon?

4. I’m not going to eat a lot at the restaurant.

5. Lyn isn't going to drink coffee for a month.

6. Are they going to book a hotel in the city centre?

Exercise 8

Complete the sentences with will and the correct verbs.

rain be work win get break

1. Helena _________ the best marks in the test. She's very clever.

2. It _____ at the weekend. I heard that on the radio.

3. In 2020 I _____ a teacher and Ill live in the countryside.

4. Be careful! You _____ the pen!

5. Our team is very good. I think they _____ the match.

6. People _____ from their homes in the future. 

Đáp án:

1. will get

2. will rain

3. will be 

4. will break

5. will win

6. will work

Exercise 9

Choose the correct option.

1. Does / Will your brother take his driving test again if he fails / will fail it tomorrow?

2. If I go / will go to bed late tonight, I am / will be tired tomorrow.

3. We move / will move to the USA if my dad gets / will get a new job.

4. Where do you / will you swim if they close/ will close the Sports Centre?

5. If I don't / won't get good results, my parents aren't/ won't be happy! 

Đáp án:

1. Will/fail

2. go / will be

3. will move / gets

4. will you/ close

5. don't / won't be 


III. Ngữ âm

Exercise 1

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.


A. dangerous

B. journalist

C. soldier

D. language


A. politician

B. receptionist

C. teacher

D. chef


A. celebrate

B. pasta

C. rainy

D. replace


A. ocean

B. city

C. sugar

D. shoes


A. final

B. swimming

C. badminton

D. exciting


A. fasten

B. skateboard

C. postcard

D. bargain

Exercise 2

Choose the word whose main stress is different from the others.


A. email

B. kitchen

C. photo

D. agree


A. become

B. cartoon

C. police

D. website


A. challenge

B. office

C. prefer

D. boring


A. danger

B. travel

C. alone

D. contact

Đáp án:

1. D

2. C

3. B

4. B

5. A

6. B

7. D

8. D

9. C

10. C

Tải về

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    I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. II. Choose the word that has a different stressed syllable from the rest. III. Choose the best answer for each question. IV. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word in the bracket. V. Listen to an interview with a young History student called Brendan. Decide if these sentences are True (T) or False (F).

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    I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. II. Choose the word that has a different stressed syllable from the rest. III. Choose the best answer for each question. IV. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word in the bracket. V. Listen to an interview with a young History student called Brendan. Decide if these sentences are True (T) or False (F).

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    I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. II. Choose the word that has a different stressed syllable from the rest. III. Choose the best answer for each question. IV. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word in the bracket. V. Listen to an interview with a young History student called Brendan. Decide if these sentences are True (T) or False (F).

  • Đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 6 English Discovery - Đề số 4

    I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. II. Choose the word that has a different stressed syllable from the rest. III. Choose the best answer for each question. IV. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word in the bracket. V. Listen to an interview with a young History student called Brendan. Decide if these sentences are True (T) or False (F).

  • Đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 6 English Discovery - Đề số 5

    I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. II. Choose the word that has a different stressed syllable from the rest. III. Choose the best answer for each question. IV. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word in the bracket. V. Listen to an interview with a young History student called Brendan. Decide if these sentences are True (T) or False (F).

Tham Gia Group Dành Cho 2K12 Chia Sẻ, Trao Đổi Tài Liệu Miễn Phí
