Đề bài

You will listen to a television show in which a man shared his story of surviving a natural disaster. Listen and answer the questions. You will listen TWICE.

Câu 1 :

1. What was Michael doing when the tornado came?

  • A

    He was cooking.

  • B

    He was sleeping. 

  • C

    He was eating.

Đáp án : A

Phương pháp giải :

Kiến thức: Nghe hiểu

Lời giải chi tiết :


Michael đang làm gì khi cơn lốc xoáy ập đến?

A. Anh ấy đang nấu ăn.

B. Anh ấy đang ngủ.

C. Anh ấy đang ăn.

Thông tin: My wife and I were cooking dinner and my kids were watching their favorite cartoon.

(Vợ tôi và tôi đang nấu bữa tối và các con tôi đang xem bộ phim hoạt hình yêu thích của chúng.)

Chọn A

Câu 2 :

2. Was he warned about the tornado before?     

  • A

    Yes, he was.

  • B

    No, he wasn’t.

  • C

    No information.

Đáp án : B

Lời giải chi tiết :


Trước đây anh ấy có được cảnh báo về cơn lốc xoáy không?

A. Đúng vậy.

B. Không, anh ấy không nghe thấy.

C. Không có thông tin.

Thông tin: Not at all. We got no warning about it.

(Không hề. Chúng tôi không có cảnh báo về nó.)

Chọn B

Câu 3 :

3. What did his family do to escape?   

  • A

    They ran outside.

  • B

    They stayed inside.

  • C

    They did nothing.

Đáp án : B

Lời giải chi tiết :


Gia đình anh đã làm gì để trốn thoát?

A. Họ chạy ra ngoài.

B. Họ ở lại bên trong.

C. Họ không làm gì cả.

Thông tin: So we had no choice but to take cover under the bed praying for the best.

(Chúng tôi nghĩ rằng nó có thể sụp đổ nhưng việc đi ra ngoài rất nguy hiểm.)

Chọn B

Câu 4 :

4. Michael felt _____________ at that time.


  • A


  • B


  • C


Đáp án : B

Lời giải chi tiết :


Michael cảm thấy _____________ vào thời điểm đó.

A. không vui

B. sợ hãi

C. kinh hãi

Thông tin: I was terrified.

(Tôi đã rất sợ hãi.)

Chọn B

Câu 5 :

5. What was the bed made of?    

  • A


  • B


  • C


Đáp án : A

Lời giải chi tiết :


Chiếc giường được làm bằng gì?

A. gỗ

B. kim loại

C. tre

Thông tin: Luckily for us, the bed was made a very hard wood so we were safe.

(Thật may mắn cho chúng tôi, chiếc giường được làm bằng gỗ rất cứng nên chúng tôi được an toàn.)

Chọn A

Phương pháp giải :

Bài nghe:

MC: Michael, could you tell us what happened? 

Michael: Well, it was just a normal evening. My wife and I were cooking dinner and my kids were watching their favorite cartoon. Suddenly we heard thunder and within five minutes the rain poured down. The tornado was sweeping through our town.

MC: Wasn't there any weather forecast about this? 

Michael: Not at all. We got no warning about it. Then the lights went out. Everything was in the dark. The whole house was shaking because of the heavy rain and strong winds. We thought that it might collapse but it was dangerous to go outside. So we had no choice but to take cover under the bed praying for the best. 

MC: How did you feel at that time?

Michael: I was terrified. All our windows were smashed, dust, rocks and tree branches were blown into our house. We couldn't even open our eyes. For a moment, I thought we were going to die. Luckily for us, the bed was made a very hard wood so we were safe.

Tạm dịch:

MC: Michael, could you tell us what happened? 

Michael: Well, it was just a normal evening. My wife and I were cooking dinner and my kids were watching their favorite cartoon. Suddenly we heard thunder and within five minutes the rain poured down. The tornado was sweeping through our town.

MC: Wasn't there any weather forecast about this? 

Michael: Not at all. We got no warning about it. Then the lights went out. Everything was in the dark. The whole house was shaking because of the heavy rain and strong winds. We thought that it might collapse but it was dangerous to go outside. So we had no choice but to take cover under the bed praying for the best. 

MC: How did you feel at that time?

Michael: I was terrified. All our windows were smashed, dust, rocks and tree branches were blown into our house. We couldn't even open our eyes. For a moment, I thought we were going to die. Luckily for us, the bed was made a very hard wood so we were safe.

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